The silver lining behind all this talk of burnout is that there is a way through it. You don’t have to constantly feel overwhelmed and unmotivated at work. Checking for these signs will help you prevent burnout before it starts – or work to fix it if you need a way out.
1. Have you taken on too much?
The first step is to understand the factors that could be contributing to burnout. Take stock of your job responsibilities to spot areas of overwhelm. Then, try to clear out the clutter, says Murray. Have you signed up for a project or committee that you can let go of? Taking something off your plate will probably improve your performance. Burned out employees are more likely to make mistakes, put less effort into their job and perform badly as a result, according to research in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
2. Identify what gives you energy, and what drains it
Some people or things drain our energy, while others fill us up. Look at your calendar and grade everything you’re scheduled to do as either a D (Drain) or an F (Fill), then limit your exposure to Ds (as best as you can J). What if your colleagues – or worse, your boss – is a Drain and you’re forced to spend time with them? “Make sure there’s a Fill on your calendar somewhere else that day that can give you energy.
3. Manage your digital distractions
Apple CEO Tim Cook recently told CBS in an interview that he had dialed back on screen time by limiting the number of notifications he receives on his iPhone. “My simple rule is if I’m looking at the device more than I’m looking into someone’s eyes, I’m doing the wrong thing.” It’s the type of move experts cheer, since spending quality time with family and friends can help undo the strain of burnout.
4. Make self care a priority
We’re not talking about booking a massage (though if that fits in your schedule and budget, by all means go for it). Just make sure you’re getting enough sleep and eating well, something burned out people struggle to do. It makes sense: when you’re exhausted, you don’t have the energy to socialize, cook healthy meals, exercise, or make enough time for sleep.
But one review found that when burned out employees don’t recover from work, they may suffer more from the daily burnout toll as a result. One way to recharge: stay active. A 2017 study revealed that exercise might be able to prevent or reverse work-related burnout. Even a 15-minute walk can help, says Murray.
5. Lean on your support network
Research suggests job-related stress may hit people harder if they’re not getting support at home or from their social network, and if they’re not taking breaks (even short ones) throughout the day. You don’t have to throw a dinner party. Just make an effort to chat with your neighbor or meet a friend for coffee.
6. Manage well
One of the biggest takeaways from the WHO’s classification is that the organization says it’s planning to develop evidence-based guidelines on mental well-being in the workplace for companies to use. That’s important, because while individuals can take steps to limit it, companies ultimately need to shift their values to combat widespread burnout.
In another study by Blind, nearly 10,000 tech workers said the main factor leading to burnout in their organization wasn’t overwork (though that was number 2 on the list): it was poor leadership and unclear direction. So if you’re a manager, monitor your employees and lighten the load when you see them becoming overwhelmed, rather than always pushing the pedal to the metal.