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5 Ways to Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick!

The Year 2022 is drawing near and despite all the challenges that we faced over the last 2 years, I am excited by all the things that we can do in this "new" year! By no means do I have all the answers to all the questions and challenges that I may be faced with in 2022, but Nevertheless I declare that I AM READY!!!

Many of us fail to keep our word and commitment to ourselves after setting our New Year's Resolutions and Goals (Many Resolutions fade away by February of each Year), and so I want to share with you 5 ways in which you can make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick....Feel free to share it with others.

1. Write down Your Resolutions and Your New Goals!

Writing down your resolution and your goal is a way to bring your vision to reality. Keeping it in your brain reduces your ability to focus and execute on all the grand ideas and plans that you have. When you write down your goal, you are more likely to be productive if you can see what you have to do, instead of just thinking about it.

When you write down the Big Goal, take another step by breaking down two (2) more steps that you need to do in order to achieve that Big Goal. You can get a dedicated Goal Planner (E.g. @mygoaltracker planner) that you use to capture all the ideas, plans and action that you must take in order to achieve your goal.

2. Give Your New Goal a Timeline!

A date makes your Goal real! Do not simply state your Resolution or Goal with no end date or end time by when you need to achieve it. A Goal without a date is simply a Wish. Ensure you can see your Goal date so you have it in your sub-conscious by when you need to achieve it. Be serious about what you want to achieve and put your money (date) where your mouth is! J

3. Get Rid of Your Bad Habits

When your actions or habits are not aligned with Your Goal or Dream then that can lead to failure or you being un-successful in achieving your Goal. Our bad habits are the potholes that help to cripple our dreams. You can have the most brilliant idea or Goal and your bad habits such as spending time on trivial matters, procrastinating, sleeping in late, and idling on social media lead to your downfall. So one of the most important steps in making your Goal stick is identifying the Bad Habit that will lead to your downfall and then make every effort to fix it.

4. Get an Accountability Partner

Not everyone has the willpower and stick-to-it mentality to always get the energy and drive to work at their resolutions and goals. So the best thing to do is to get an accountability partner. An accountability partner is a person who helps and motivates the other person to keep a commitment. Accountability Partners are there to provide support, tell you the truth and keep you moving by being your conscience. Make sure that your Accountability Partner is like-minded and believes in your dreams and goals. You do not want to choose someone who is judgemental of your goal or who is always negative to be your accountability partner. They should call on you randomly to check up on you and the progress of your goal.

5. Set a Date to Review Your Resolution or Goal to see Your Accomplishments

A Review Session is very important. A review session gets you back in connection with your goal especially if you are lagging behind. Depending on the Goal Achievement Date, you can set your review session for 3 months after you have started working on your Goal. At this time you should be asking yourself a few questions. Did I achieve any part of the Goal? Am I being true to myself? What else do I need to do to keep going? What or who do I need to motivate me.

Cheers to 2022! | Althea Walters |Corporate Trainer, Productivity and Goal Success Coach


Althea Walters is a Corporate Trainer, Productivity and Goal Success Coach at BLAZING BEYOND. She is also the creator of MY GOAL TRACKER, a Goal Planning Tool that helps persons to document, track and keep focused on achieving their personal and business goals.



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